Pruf Cultivar
Website design for cannabis grower, Pruf Cultivar, along with various branding collateral materials.
Scientifically-crafted digital experience for the new cannabis age.
Pruf Cultivar is a Portland-based cannabis grower that specializes in the scientific pursuit of strain production. With a unique focus on the technology and human ingenuity behind their products, I approached their website design with that mission in mind. The key component in their brand was simplicity, and it was something I wanted to highlight in their website. The aesthetic was inspired by their clean-room approach to cultivation as well as the innovation they strive for in their technology.
Agency: FINE
Art Director: Tsilli Pines, Mehran Azma
Digital Designer: Michelle Chen
Services: Brand support + Digital
Client: Pruf Cultivar
Photography credit: Pruf Cultivar